Sunday 20 May 2012

Visual Communication lecture

The definition of Visual Communication -
Visual communication is the layers of communication and context that shapes out understanding. It applies the properties of linguistics to images.

People who study signs and unravel the meaning are know as Semioticians
Denotation -  the level of meaning that describes something.
Connotation -  with a deeper understanding and further knowledge.
Ideology - how values and beliefs underpin the way people live in a society.


Roland Barthes, 'How does meaning get into the image? Where does it end? And if it ends, what is there beyond?'

Rudolf Wittkower, he was interested in the way that at different times and places we use the same symbols. He believed art communicated experience, one culture picked up and transformed the images of another.

Pierre Bourdieu, interested in peoples upbringing - conclusion in culture by levels of communication and how people understand images.


The Only way is Essex.

Denotation - There is a group of young people sat on a guilded chair looking as though they are thoroughly enjoying themselves 

Connotation - a very different meaning for the people who know it.

Obama image.

Denotation - Simply a man stood incidentally in front of a building.

Connotation - power, confidence. Democracy, symbolic ancient architecture, roman dome feature referencing power.


Nazi building, dome = power

1880's 90's it was decided to change the connotations and symbolism surrounding the building.

Reichstag was wrapped in silk to give a new meaning. Signified a break in the past and a new future for Germany.


Welsh flag - cultural.

World of Warcraft - hell, red, fire.

Church window - Saint, stained glass, angles, a symbol of christianity.

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