Wednesday 2 January 2013

Task 400 words: Panopticism. Study Task 3

'Omnipisent and Omnicient power' this what is feared to create order a perfect example of this power is within christianity, where christians basically fear that an all seeing power (GOD) sees everything they do and is judging them at all times. this works on fear on that if they do not behave they will be punished in the form of going to Hell this is a very exaggerated example a much more subtle example can be seen in the workplace in an office for example. employees in an office sit at their desks that are laid out as inspired by the panopticon so the the Boss the power figure can see all this makes sure to get rid of all misbehaviour and makes the employees work harder.

Another modern day example of this is CCTV surveillance, this aspect of contemporary culture can be described as a panoptic device.   CCTV is basically the use of surveillance cameras to monitor a certain area. CCTV often creates arguments as it is sometimes seen as a breach of privacy basically because they are watched 24 hours a day. The quote 'Full lighting and the eye of the supervisor capture better than darkness, which ultimately protected visibility is a trap.' 

'The first is that of a pure community, the second that of a disciplined society. Two ways of exercising power over men, controlling their relations, of separating out their dangerous mixtures. The plague stricken town, traversed throughout with hierarchy, surveillance, observation, writing the town immobilised by the functioning of an extensive power that bares in a distinct way over all over all individual bodies, this is the utopia of the perfectly governed city.' These where mechanisms that where used to combat the utopia perfect city, every thing is under surveillance this is what made todays modern discipline all of this is key characteristics of the panopticon. The panopticon was a way of describing the theory of Panopticism the building that is very commonly used as institutions such as prisons this is due to correctional abilities as a functioning building. This is all due to the fact that laterally in mates are unable to see each other. and could only see the guard tower. This put the thought of constantly being under surveillance in the inmates head and after time this just makes the inmate begin to self regulate his or her behaviour. A quote that shows this is 'They are like so many cages, so many small theatres, in which each actor is alone, perfectly individualised and constantly visible.
This quote links to what i have written earlier on about employees working harder as they feel under surveillance by the boss the office is a great example of the panopticon functioning within society.   

CCTV is argued to be a panoptic device that is compared to the Panopticon, this is all down to the fact that society knows that they are being watched at all times and that CCTV sees their every move. cameras on he streets, workplace and homes. This plays a art in the public not wanting to step a foot out of line as they know they will be caught. This knowledge of being watched makes the public behave because they know a higher power such as the government are watching. It is because of this reminder of CCTV that the public start to self regulate this is what is known as 'docile bodies' becasue of the fact we are under surveillance constantly, the perfect scenario of government is to introduce strict rules and regulations so that the public can be controlled further. 'In order to see perfect disciplines functioning, rulers dreamt of the state of plague' this allows the government to step up and enforce laws without coming across as controlling a quote explaing this is 'The state of nature; in order to see perfect diciplines functioning, rulers dreamt of the state of Plague. Underlying disciplinary projects' this social disorder then went onto allow the government to step up safety measures. This is what the government want it allows them to set up levels of order and registration this is a way of keeping control over society. A great example of this is is the 911 tragedy although this was one of the biggest disasters in history this then allowed the government to take drastic action in the form of registration and surveillance since this happened for example the process you must now go through to even get on a plane. 

'A whole literary fiction of the festival grew up around the Plague' this is talking about festivals being a space of collectivity and sharing, basically a place you can do what you want in turn this is a free society.' I believe that this re-fares to people feeling free as there is no real surveillance people can take part in illegal activities and not feel threatened buy an all seeing power a great example of this is at raves this allows people to act in a way that they want and cannot be controlled. 

'But there was also a political dream of the Plague' - Notion of the plague the opposites divided creates more regulations within everyday life this brands everyone with one identity 'Plague gave rise to disciplinary projects.' This quote is basically explaining how the govenment in some cases dream of the plague as this then allows them to step up and apply controlling mechanisms to control the chaos but also to gain more power and control.

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