Saturday 18 May 2013

What is Good: Research Booklet.

Final research booklet_

The photos below show my research booklet this contains the research that has really informed my design decisions and that i really concider to be the most important areas of research within the project, I have created the booklet again based around the concept for eaxmple the book is wrapped up with a decorative wrap that gives the booklet that aspect of desireability and makes the viewer want to explore what is inside. 

The wrap contains information on then the subject as shown below An introduction to healthy eating.

then when peeled away reveals what the booklet contains Research and application.

When un folded the wrap then contains the research book following the ame colour scheme of white, black and fluorescent green

The layout of the book is again just a representation of the project as a whole the layout is simplistic and clean i have ensured that the book is not over wordy as this can be a problem when having to read this i stripped down the information  and only included the most significant points that informed my design decisions and ways of thinking.

The booklet contains documentation of my visits as seen below i documented my visits stating what i found effective and what i found to be in effective. I was then able to put aspects of each together to create the concept for my restaurant.

The brand break down like i have already stated when it came down to creating a logo i really wanted to apply theoretical elements to this to produce a logo that is massively effective and communication is strong. i broke down a range of my competitors branding to found out what i could interpret from this conceptually. I feel that by doing this i really informed my self on how to include conceptual thinking within a logo design.

The screenshots below show the double page sprads from my booklet and the information that was included within.

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