Thursday 16 May 2013

What is good: Developed Design Direction Boards

Todays crit was very helpful for me in terms of clearing up on the strength of my concept. the crit itself went very well and the groub really embraced what it was i am going to do and seemed to be impressed by the theory behind the concept. I then went onto have a self initiated crit with a few of my peers just discussing how i could push my range really i have focused on two real aspects being The print based branding with a crossover into packaging design 

I decided that i could push the branding on to a web based presence and could possibly explore promotion within the packaging element. 

Board 1 is showing some quotes that i have found from my research, this is just to represent that i have highlighted key points of interest from my research this has been very helpful for me to find areas that hold lots of relevance and will inform my design decisions.

Board 2 showing range of good this board is basically explaining that i will be looking and specialising within Branding and will hopefully be crossing over into packaging and promotional aspects of design.

From here i have then created boards looking at what print methods i would like to create, this was a great opportunity for me to really perfect some printing techniques, As my idea and concept is about desirability these beautiful finishing techniques will give my designs the finish that will give them the desirable aspect they will need.

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