Monday 12 November 2012

Seminar: Task

Key points taken from the Panopticism Lecture 

- Social Control - Productivity
- Self Control
- Training
- Power of the institution 

Examples of the Institutions 
- Hospitals 
- Schools
- Army 
- Police
- Prison
- Churches
- Government
- Marriage 
- Big Businesses 
- Family

All of the above come with Institutional Experts, Rules of behaviour 

The Panopticon:

This was created by  Jeremy Bentham, 1971. Proposal for a building that works absolutely perfect for whatever job you want it to do. 100% efficient building.

The Building:
A space of visibility, the source of power is un verifiable - you can be seen but never see. Isolation gets rid of the chance of inmates or people conspiring the building would play an effect on the inmate thinking they are always being watched they then just accept the circumstances

Psychological Effect
Lateral invisibility - Everything can be seen from the centre cells can see the centre that is all  
Axial Visibility  

Self Monitoring 
Self Correcting
Surveillance constant>


CISM - is a style 

The Panopticon applied to society

- Modern discipline society - Docile Bodies - Least resistance most obedient.

Religion is the ultimate Panopticon a huge figure GOD can see everything you do and is judging you this forces society to conform to the rules of society 


The idea starts with Men wanting to control what they have made, for example a man wants his tools to be passed onto his next generation his offspring. In a society where everyone sleeps with each other the man us never 100% sure the child was his. this is where marriage solves this. the man says to the woman you are basically my property you may only sleep with me that way he knows the children are his and his property will effectively go to his offspring.


Tabloids newspapers effectively fabricate stories, Scandals to manipulate the publics interests just to sell more, Experts make this believable


When Inside an institution - We conform to the institutions motives and we conform to the fact that the experts know best.

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