Friday 2 November 2012

Aspects of Web design i find effective:

Consistant Colour scheme throughout the design makes the design run as a set 

A great technique to give the appearance of a clean layout is to arrange the images in a colour pallet - images of the same colour placed together and moving images spaced around.

I feel that the use of photography is highly effective as it can give the viewer an instant knowledge of what the web page is communicating and what the agency or company stands for.

The use of icons is highly effective in my opinion: This informs the viewer instantly of what is to follow an icon is used to communicate a message instead of text.

I feel in some cases colour schemes can be highly effective however in some cases this can be overpowering, i feel that this technique toned down would be highly effective, possibly the image turns into a multiplied layer when the cursor hovers over it? \

I feel that the aesthetic of the text overlay over an image is very nice i feel this also works effectively 

in instantly communicating a message to the viewer  an indicator of the content of the site.

Right aligned typographic elements laid out in  simple column grid is highly effective not only in communication but also aesthetically i feel this gives the design a clean professional appearance.

A constant colour scheme throughout the design is very effective, this creates order and makes the design run smoothly aesthetically and is pleasing to the viewers eye.


In my opinion my web design will be heavily inspired by designs like the Helvetica Film site where typographic elements have been reduced. this is very effective as the viewer only spends around 5 seconds on each page. 

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