Monday 13 January 2014

COP3 Evaluation:

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them? 

Without doubt the skill i have developed the most is research skills, i feel that before this i felt that research was not really the most important aspect of the design process, however as i decided that psychoanalysis would be key area of focus, this meant that in order to write about this i must initially learn about the subject. This was a huge risk on my behalf but i feel i have shown myself how research can really inform a design and i feel that this is apparent within my practical aspect of COP. Another skill that i have really developed is the synergy between my context and practice, once again i feel this is apparent within my practical element i feel that it is simple to distinguish the psychoanalytic techniques i have applied to my advertisement.

What approaches to methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

This was my first attempt at creating  an advertisement, this is something i have looked at working with for the last two years but due to the fact im not on creative advertising, this scared me a little but it has become apparent to me that after speaking to professionals within this industry, this does not matter as long as you are creative i have gained a lot of creative techniques and strategies when creating a concept and a direction, i feel that i have shown how to effectively apply my theory into practice. i believe i have shown this by the way i have applied the psychoanalysis to the ads. in order to target the female audience. I feel this aspect of the brief allows me to really step into the role of art director this is beneficial for my practice as this is where i see myself in the future, i felt i was comfortable in this possition as i had all the creative power, and i was able to get the design i had in my head into actual print and web based format.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

The main strength i have shown is without doubt the synergy between my theoretical research and my practice, the essay aspect of cop really allowed me to construct a strong body of both secondary and primary research that then informed my concept and design decisions, this is something that i am going to apply to my practice as a designer from now on. This method really allows for your designs to come from your research ensuring the correct audience is targeted. The research aspect was for a long period of time during COP3, within the industry i will have no where near as much time to research so i will ensure that the most effective research methods  from this will be put into use for briefs from this point.  

What weaknesses can you identify in your and work and how will you address these in the future?

The biggest weakness for me has to be time management, as writing is not my strongest point a lot of time was spent on this aspect of the brief, i was shocked at how little time i would have to actually produce the practical elements, alot of this time went on concept development, leaving me with a few days to produce the final artwork, in the future i would allow myself a lot more time for this aspect of the brief as i would have been able to push the artwork alot further and definitely extending the range of products i have produced.   

Identify 5 things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from these?

manage my time much more effectively_ the chance to extend the range of products.
spend more time on design development_ the possibility of a range of art directions
organise more crits_ Gain a different oppinion and or viewpoint from a range of different people designers and public
Test print my final boards before the professional print - I can see how the layout overlay each other and colours come out on the different stocks

Attendance - 3
Punctuality - 3
Motivation - 3
Commitment - 4
Quantity or work produced - 4
Quality of work produced - 3
Contribution to the group - 4

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